Next Meeting; Invitation; Security; Email co-respondance with Rik

Posted by Reuben J Moore ( on October 10, 2001 at 23:44:46:

Hey Thieves, Plunderers, and Rogues(penguins) of the

Just thought I'd show a preview of ideas for next

Anyone want to participate in the mock WORLD/PRIVATE
network we'll be setting up at Project A this Nov
Meeting, add a thread here!

If you want to build a firewall/masquerade, bring a
box and be sure to post here so I know, or mail me

If you want to connect-test-attack-crack my firewall,
or provide it with a bit of the old utra-violence,
then bring your box, or laptop(for space limitation
reasons), ready for DHCP ethernet connections, and
your arsenal.

To put it mildly,

"Come with uncle, and hear all proper -YOU ARE INVITED"
~Alex quote from Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork
Orange, Warner Bros 1969

Here's the Email conversation I had with Rik today, 10-
10-01, regarding our next meeting!


Sounds like a plan!
I'll bring my laptop and a hub to help out.
For IP info at Project A, contact Blurb, BlurbBlurb


On Wednesday, October 10, 2001, at 05:01 PM, Reuben
Moore wrote:


I'll bring a Slackware Firewall box with two NIC's (as
any real gateway/router would at least have).

One to DHCP client connect to Project A network.
We'll call this WORLD

and one to connect someone else's box(s) to behind
the firewall. Well call this PRIVATE

We'll set up PRIVATE to also be behind Masquerade, as
this won't matter even if Project A is Private network
masqueraded, which I don't know, since I haven't DHCP
Client connected there yet!

Then have PRIVATE talk to WORLD.
and see just how secure PRIVATE is from WORLD... running some of those port probing software
tools you've talked about,
or whatever security probes or attacks we can throw at

I'll make sure I have everything necessary for anyone
else to set this up for themselves!

And particularly a Slackware Firewall/Masquerade.

If anyone want's to set this up on there own computer,
I'll have all that is needed with me!

Rik. If you can remember what IP class occurs when you
DHCP connect down there at Project A
let me know. I only need to know if it is real or
private, and class -if you can remember what a
ifconfig may have looked
like after connecting. My best guess would be Class C
private 192.168.x.x. Let me know OK

That way I can make sure the PRIVATE sub-net is
different from Project A's

Tell everyone who might want to connect as WORLD or
PRIVATE to bring their machine.
but if to many, laptops would save room -as I will
have an 8 port 10/100Mbit hub down there too,
and plenty of extra patch cables.

Anyone will be able to connect as PRIVATE or WORLD
through DHCP, and DO THEIR THING!

Those who want to try and pierce the firewall are
especially invited to connect, in my book!
Hence a challenge! Hah!


Reuben :)+<

PS. I can post this message to Rookery, if you'd like.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rik Nilsson
To: Reuben Moore
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: Next Meeting Security Related Assistance

Thanks, Reuben,
Let's do this:
I have a guy bringing a system to install SuSE 7.1 on.
I have a guy (Loran) who is going to speak on setting
up Tripwire.

We'll start the installation, and while the packages
are installing...

How about we have you give a talk on setting up
firewall/masquerading/routing on a basic Linux server,
(it would help if you could bring one you're familiar

then we'll have Loran follow up with his talk on
Chkrootkit, Tripwire and Port Sentry?


On Wednesday, October 10, 2001, at 02:57 PM, Reuben
Moore wrote:

Hi Rik!

I noticed the topic of our next meeting, and would be
glad to help(speak,install,configure)
security related topics, discussion, software.

Here are just a few Ideas I can assist with.

1) Firewall(s), from the ground up.

A. I can either assist in firewall configuring
with any choice of Linux/OS, or
B. Provide a machine to show how to setup a
very secure ipchains/masquerade firewall with any
choice of Linux/OS. As
long as OS is provided by whomever (if
other than RedHat6.2 or Slackware vers 4.0, 7.x, 8.0)

C. Setup a FULLY Secured Ipchains/Masquerade
SLACKWARE dedicated firewall/gate/router, on a machine
I bring,
or someone else's machine, or provide a
reconfigured machine as example. and documentation!

Usage Example: A private class
C network with full time or dialup internet access,
when Internet Service Provider

supplies POP3/IMAP SMTP DNS service. with other
customized options, but not DMZ.

to-Point Tunneling Protocol for VPN

2) Provide sources and examples, as well as
configuring Sendmail securely with RBL(Real-Time
Blackhole Support)
through MAPS or other various open rbl's
Like ORBL, ORBZ, ORDB, and even Dorkslayers.

3) You name it. I'll research it, set it up,
configure it, document it, inform it, or whatever!
Just let me know how I can help!


Reuben Moore :)+<






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