First Regular Meeting



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The first regular meeting of the Rogue Penguins was held at Project A, 340 A Street Ashland on Thursday, December 2nd, 1999. Including yours trulDecember 2nd, 1999. Including yours truly and our host Jim Teece, head of Project A, thirty-three people were in attendance. This was a totally unexpected and overwhelming turnout - but not at all un-welcome! Thanks again to everyone - we got RPLUG off to a super start.

I videoed the meeting for a sick friend who couldn't be there, and who was instrumental in forming the RPLUG in that he suggested the name - "Rogue Penguins". Here ya go Loran:

I start off the proceedings with a welcome; reviewing the tape I realize what a poor speaker I am - most folks probably couldn't hear most of what I said, sorry.

It was a mixed crowd; male/female, experienced/newbies, student/professional. All eager to share the Linux experience.

Seeding the crowd with Linux CDs from SuSE. Get the crowd warmed up for...

...introducing ourselves.

Sometimes, I accidently said something funny. It was a warm crowd.

Standing room only!

Jim Teece (blue shirt, center) welcomes RPLUG as the first SAO/SIG, and invites us to join SAO (free to students).